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we build safe, effective websites










other content areas

nonfoods, about Frank Zappa by an expert on the man

art by DLKeur, mostly abstracts and strange stuff

free online guitar lessons by StoneDragon - these are the best on the net

Jam Session, a discussion forum for guitarists

Shaolin kung fu

serious private online novel writers group

online book and story files, plus the art and music that goes with them

zentao, a lifeway, unfinished philosophy area

music by StoneDragon


we build safe, effective websites
An effective website navigates easily and loads quickly, not hanging because your visitor's bandwidth isn't broad enough or your server is suffering from high traffic loads. An effective website looks good at all monitor resolutions, on all computer systems, whether MAC or PC, and works well under all operating systems and browsers. That's effective. Clean, fast, pure, and applying the KISS principle.


If it isn't as safe as possible, we don't do it.

One of the things that keeps us from diving headlong into the "latest, greatest solution" that presents itself as a new, viable development in web applications is the fact that, usually, the development is "buggy" or has yet-to-be-discovered security issues. Buggy means that it has spots where the development fails to work correctly for users, and security issues go part and parcel with new because they haven't suffered the attacks of crackers whom, despite the bad raps they get, are the very people responsible for making the application developers smarter about what and where vulnerabilities exist in their programming.

Purely, if the application is interactive, that application is also exploitable. If it is built so that someone can enter information and send that information through the server to somewhere else, then a savvy individual can utilize it to carry out hostile intent.

The older, more proven applications have suffered years of "assault under live conditions." If they have survived, they are more secure than ever, which means that your website, using that application, is less vulnerable to hostile exploits that can mar, disable, or destory it.

So which applications are safe? Older technology that has been in the line of fire for years and still stands without fail. Oracle has fallen; Windows and ASP is wide open; .php and MySQL are riddled with exploitable holes; .JS and JAVA delivery are frought with hazards for website and visitor alike; many cgi and perl apps, likewise, have severe, restrictive vulnerabilites. What does that leave? A few hard, tight programs, and the ability to know how, where, and how much to allow when using known, vulnerable applications.

We test, retest, and code out what we can. Does that mean it's absolutely inviolate? No. We reiterate: If it is interactive, it's exploitable. What we do is make it as safe as possible, though. And we make lots of back-ups so that, if your site goes down, it's back up within hours.

One thing we do make sure of: Your data and your customer's data is as secure as it possibly can be given the internet medium.











© Copyright 2005, DLKeur and FW Lineberry. All rights reserved.