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we are one of the best teams on the net










other content areas

nonfoods, about Frank Zappa by an expert on the man

art by DLKeur, mostly abstracts and strange stuff

free online guitar lessons by StoneDragon - these are the best on the net

Jam Session, a discussion forum for guitarists

Shaolin kung fu

serious private online novel writers group

online book and story files, plus the art and music that goes with them

zentao, a lifeway, unfinished philosophy area

music by StoneDragon


What makes us the best
First of all, we've got the experience and longevity. Second, we have the on-staff expertise and, when we don't, we know how to get it. Third, and most importantly, we care. The proof of that starts with how we started.


Our history: how we started.

Years ago, we "discovered" the internet and thought, "oh, what a great way for us to share our way with friends, students, and relatives -- 'what we are and what we do.' "  That very first old webpage is still up, with one link that works, the shaolin kung fu link, upper left ball. That was 1997, and we kept all of those various balls, seven of them, each which led to a different site, (hosted variously on fortunecity, xoom, and old "pre-Yahoo!" geocities) filled and refreshed, which kept us very busy in our "free time."

A friend of ours, desperate and despondent, bumped into me downtown one day. Over lunch, she broke down and started speaking her business woes. She had a "webmaster." But she didn't have a working website. What she had was a half-baked, mushy set of pages that, aside from loading, didn't go anywhere, do anything, present anything other than broken images and links. It didn't work for her business, yet she was paying someone quite well to create and maintain a satisfactory presentation that would move visitors to pick up the phone, use a form, or email her for service. She also wanted a shopping cart that "worked," which, in those days, was a nightmare of issues...and still is, by the way...but more about that on another page.

What she had and what she wanted were miles apart. Her forms didn't work and her website was one sad page with a couple of lines on it. I listened and thought to myself, that's really sad. Then she asked the question: "Don't you guys have a website?"

Uh-oh. I knew what was coming. "Er...we have a home page, yes."

"Who built it?"

Now I was shuffling. I didn't want the project. I just didn't have the time. But there was no avoiding it unless I lied. "Um...we do it ourselves."

Her eyes lit up. "What would you charge me to..."

What she had was someone who was taking her money but not delivering...because he didn't know how to build it or how to find and comprehend the information necessary to build it. What she desperately needed was some savvy help from someone honest who would build her a successful set of pages and some forms that worked, providing a secure payment gateway, this last being quite a trick oh so many years ago. And we did it, hand-writing a small piece of code that split the customer's information, excluding credit card number, into an email, while the credit card number was shattered into tiny bits and pieces, scattered into different files on an encrypted server, then, upon a secure login using a pass-phrase, with the push of a button, reassembled with the time-date stamp that identified who that number set belonged to. We also got her listed, first page, top ten, in the top search engines of the day, infoseek, AltaVista, and the like.

That's how we got started doing this for others. While neither of us really had the time, we took on her project. When we were done, the net end of her business was successfully up and running. She was on her way...and so were we, though we didn't know it at the time.

Over the months and years, repeatedly someone would seek us out wanting their website rescued from some "webmaster" they had trusted to create something viable for them, only to have that webmaster fail due to lack of knowledge, frustration, or downright laziness.

We're still rescuing hostages from "degreed" "IT experts" and self-proclaimed webmasters who don't care and don't "do," and, over the years, our client-pool has developed into an interesting potpourri, ranging from huge multi-national corporations with names you'd instantly recognize to the retired hobbiest who has a home page about birds in his backyard.


We care.

We care about other people and their problems. Second, we believe in the internet and what it can do for industrious people, both businesses and individuals, pulling them from debt, bankruptcy, poverty or bad employment situations by giving them a viable means to make a living doing what they like to do -- their hobbies, their crafts, their art, their chosen professions, businesses and services. Because we care, we do our very best.








© Copyright 2005, DLKeur and FW Lineberry. All rights reserved.