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other content areas

nonfoods, about Frank Zappa by an expert on the man

art by DLKeur, mostly abstracts and strange stuff

free online guitar lessons by StoneDragon - these are the best on the net

Jam Session, a discussion forum for guitarists

Shaolin kung fu

serious private online novel writers group

online book and story files, plus the art and music that goes with them

zentao, a lifeway, unfinished philosophy area

music by StoneDragon


pricing and details about our website design and web development services
website design: $3000. Includes teleconferencing with the head designer, email communication detailing the proposal, design work-ups and adjustments to client satisfaction.

Saving money: You can save money by designing your own website and sending that design to us for translation into webcode. You can send us that design via HTML email or in .PDF format. (Sorry, do to the high vulnerability of .doc files and .ppt files, we can no longer accept those formats.) You can save more money by having us prepare your shopping cart or other application, then do the product or data entry yourself.


web development and website construction: price depends upon design and applications to be integrated. Requirements include:

  • finalized sign-off on design (you have to sign-off on our design)
  • secured domain name(s) and hosting services required for successful implementation (we secure this for you upon your approval, placing that service and domain name under your jurisdiction.)
  • all database, text, and image content to be submitted as per contract specifications by agreed upon deadline for beginning the construction phase (This is your responsibility. You must get the content to us in a timely manner.)

After the design is complete, most web developments we do include:

  • creating the hand-coded SEO HTML pages,
  • image preparation,
  • SEO optimization (if service purchased)
  • forms, autoresponders, and email set-ups
  • CSS development, theme development, skin development
  • applications installation and configuration,
  • database preparation and upload,
  • testing
  • training your database and shopping cart upkeep and data entry team

Our builds start at $2000 for small sites. For e-commerce, a general formula you can use to figure actual cost after design is around $10 per product for inventories of 100 products and up. Huge inventories, numbering in the hundreds of thousands of products, do get significant discounts IF their catalog database(s) are in good order and compatible for translation to web applications.


search engine optimization and marketing service: If you desire our SEO team to market your site, securing quality links, working and reworking your site to permanently establish your site in the top ten natural results of the major search engines, we charge an additional $4000 to optimize the site for your keywords and keyphrases. Then we charge a monthly fee of $2000. What you are paying for is our expertise as well as the time and labor involved with building the necessary links and link-backs, plus code and text adjustments, monitoring, and keyword placements.

If it is that important for you to instantly rank on top, and you want to do it cheaper, try pay-per-click, though we don't advise that approach for serious web developments. Reason? We have yet to find one site that uses Pay Per Click that also ranks well in the natural results unless that PPC site is using a different domain to funnel that traffic to the organically well-ranked site.

Anyway you go about getting high search engine ranking is going to be expensive, because it either requires expert and experienced human resources to work your site up through the ranks (what we do) or the funds to pay the price everytime someone clicks on your link in a search engine result, whether they buy from you or not.

FYI: Just because we build a site for you, doesn't necessarily mean it will rank on top or that we even purposely code it to rank well. For one thing, you have to pay us to do that. Secondly, you have to pay us to get you on top, which can take months of tedious, hard work for our SEO team. Basically, that means you are paying for the time it takes to get you up there. To keep you up there means that you continue to pay us to monitor your site, and to continue to keep your site competative.



website analysis service - we, as a team, analyze what we think needs to be done to make your website rank better with the top search engines, namely MSN, Yahoo, and Google. What you get is research conducted, not by someone pushing enter on a piece of computer software, but by hands-on human research. This requires time and effort, team collaboration and conferencing. Cost for this service is $1600 prepaid and non-refundable.

text rewrites - have our copy-writer rewrite the text on your pages. Cost is $150 per 500 words. $100 minimum prepaid, nonrefundable.

batch image preparation: if you have a volume of images to be processed into web compatible format, we can do those for you for $1.00 an image. Minimum set-up fee is $150, then $1.00 per image. Images to be mailed to us on CDR only. If we can't read the files or the format is proprietary, we can't and won't do the job. There is a $30 time and remailing fee, the rest of your money is refunded.

individual image preparation: hand resizing and color adjustment - $10 per image. Images requiring retouching are charged on a per image bases at $60 per hour.



Advice for the DIY (do-it-yourself-er), which are most of the visitors reading this.

You can't have a high-ranked, successful site strictly using database delivery or any kind of dynamically delivered content. SSI, CGI, PHP, ASP, JS, JAVA and Flash presentations just don't make the grade. You have to get back to the basics of .html and .txt somewhere in your builds. Now, I know the rage is dumping output from the SQL or MySqL to XML these days. Quite honestly, while it will be "eaten" by the SE bots, it still won't rank you as highly as .HTML and .TXT

Also remember that anything generated from a WYSIWYG html page-building program (Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Pagemaker, etc.) is not generating code that is going to get you a highly ranked website. What it gets you is "code bloat."

There are no shortcuts or easy entry solutions. You must learn to code correctly, by hand, then learn how to apply it significantly and appropriately. This is part of the reason that hiring a professional website design and code team is so very expensive. We know what we're doing and we do it the right way, first time through.





© Copyright 2005, DLKeur and FW Lineberry. All rights reserved.