Drummer Dave French

Well, where to start? My life has not been simple, to say the least. I feel that the struggle to find myself has defined me more than any other aspect of myself. I can say that I am a drummer, or a performer, but those are simply the constants that have remained throughout my journey. I have been many things in my life, seen some incredible sights and I have some wonderful memories. And a lot of painful ones, like everyone else.

I have always been on this path, even when I didn't know it. I have no choice but to pursue a musical goal, I know that now. It took me ten years to figure that out, but, I am better for it, because here I am. This is the band I have been waiting for, and I know that. For a time I thought it was too late, but I have realized that it never is. I have had many many career opportunities present themselves, but I would rather die a poor man striving for this dream than to settle for one of those and live a life of quiet desperation.

With all of that said, what really matters is that I love to play the drums more than anything in the world. Coming in a close second is drinking whiskey and hanging out with my friends and tons of beautiful women. My worst fear is to someday find myself married with children in a dead-end commuter job so I can pay the mortgage on my pre-fab home, the payment on my mini-van, soccer dues, and buy macaroni and cheese and hamburger helper while my ungrateful wife gets fat on bon-bons and screams at me for god knows whatever I did now but it's okay because we are going to church on Sunday so I can confess my sins and be forgiven by a god that demands ten percent of my income just so I have the privilege of spending my football day hanging around with more angry ungrateful women just like my wife who drag around pathetic shells of men who have learned to cry and get in touch with their feminine sides because that's what the geriatric billionaire Billy Graham told them to do to become proud parents and husbands and productive members of society.

I would rather die and take my chances that Hell would be better, Because the odds are pretty good.


Dave French

Bret Aita - Eric Hendrikx - Neil MacPherson





Website and graphics by d.l.keur, official artist of Opposition Party

All graphics copyright 2001 D.L.Keur. All right reserved. No reproductive rights granted.

All text content copyrighted as credited.

Site created: 07/07/2001 (mm/dd/yyyy)

This page last updated: 07/08/2001
















































































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