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Finding Sight

Finding Sight

A Practical Guide for Self-Development of the Deep Senses

by F.W. Lineberry and D.L. Keur



"Omigod, I can see it." The voice was hushed and awe-filled.

"So can I," said another participant in the eight-person class. "Keep moving, keep moving," she urged the man they were all watching.

Small, excited conversations erupted between those who were "seeing" and those who had not yet identified the how and what. There were queries and answers to those queries, the students who were "seeing" describing the what, where, and how of their active experiencing to those still finding sight.

Within minutes, seven of the eight participants began to identify that they were indeed seeing something . . . able to identify the life force, aura, or chi (as we call it) that surrounded the instructor as he purposely maintained a state where his chi was hyper-energized and extended to flame around him as he moved in half-light against a white wall. Each of them saw the specular fire a little differently and in varying degrees of intensity, but each could identify certain constant characteristics.

The instructor smiled. He was exhausted, but pleased. The students were elated. After only six classes, they were feeling and seeing chi. Class for this week was over. Next week, would take them further on the pathway to finding their own balance and flow.


What we teach is hard to put into words. We are teachers of Shaolin Kung Fu and of Dancing in Tao. At a deeper level though, we help people get in touch with themselves. And, occasionally, when someone begins to ask the telling questions, we help that individual discover the tools and develop the skills for a journey toward total being, total self. We teach them how to experience the deeper meanings, a deeper reality, this to help them in their quest for answers -- answers that only they can find to satisfy questions they covet and hide deep within themselves.

In fact, we all have the ability to see aura, to hear, to feel, and to generally sense and experience that which is often erroneously identified as the psychic phenomenon and esper sensing. I say erroneously because these "phenomena" are not phenomenal at all. Instead, they are sensations, understandings, and experiences that animals and children accept as normal. That which is identified as the domain of psychics and mediums is really not a domain at all. Nor does it require strange powers to perceive and experience. It is all part of this reality in which we exist and coexist. Most of us are just blind to it, inhibited from experiencing it by our cultural and social conditioning. Thus blinded, deafened, and numbed, we struggle, knowing that there is something more and greater, a knowing that leads us down many pathways, most of them ultimately unfulfilling.

In a practical sense, relearning to perceive with "deep" senses helps us to avoid danger and to make wise life decisions. For example, martial artists use these deep senses regularly, though they may not admit to or even realize they do it -- the sense of a watcher, of danger, or of someone near with malevolent intent toward them. (The rill up the back of the neck is one of the more overt consequences of a "deep" sense warning.)

On the more impractical side, there is the search for meaning, the quest for an existential reason for existence, the desire to understand the "meaning of life." There is the question of "what happens when I die," and "is this all there is," as well as "is there a god." But these answers must be self-discovered to be satisfying, for there is no one right answer . . . much as the religiously inclined would like to avoid that uncomfortable truth.

One thing that the "deep" senses cannot do is to predict the future, because the future is dependent upon decisions made at any given time by all life participants involved -- you, your neighbor, the governor of the state, the king of a country. It is also dependent on the natural events of the earth and cosmos. And all of it moves together, changing always, constantly being redirected as decisions are made and conditions change. What the "deep" senses can do is to help to open a doorway to understanding the possibilities and potentials of the future.

We are however, not concerned necessarily with how you use your own abilities. We are only here to show you how to reacquaint yourself with total sensing. What you choose to do with it is yours to decide. We call this book of instruction "FINDING SIGHT," sight in this case meaning perception.

This course has a very simple and straight forward format. Explanation is included where it is needed, but we try to keep it as plain and uncluttered as we can. Follow the instructions step by step, doing the practical exercises all the way through. If you find that you know and practice some of them already, just read through it and check yourself, then go on. But if you don't already have the skill or ability, do the exercises completely and don't skip ahead.


Finding Sight Table of Contents

Part I -- Preparatory Steps

Finding Sight, A Practical Guide for Self-Development of the Deep Senses,
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 F.W. Lineberry & D.L. Keur, All Rights Reserved