IMAGE PAGES: Start Page | Worlds | Objects
in Space | The Grotto - a gallery of the private works of D.L. Keur
TEXT PAGES: Introduction | Reasons
& Problems | Pricing | Contact
COMING IN MAR - Commercial
Art Section, including CD Covers, Book Covers, Christmas Art, Web Site Graphics, Text Art, Logos
& Project Art.
WORLDS (click on the thumbnail to see image - average
file size, 60kb)
Worlds are what we make of them. What constitutes
a world is how we define
"what-is-a-world." For me, a world is
anything with environment. That is to say,
anything that we can look into as if peering
through a window.
WORLDS II (click on the thumbnail to see image - average
file size, 60kb)
Microcosms. Macrocosms. That which is small
relative to ourselves, blown up to be perceivable
as if larger than large. That which is large seen
from an objective pinnicle. Each is equally
stimulating, inviting our mind to explore.
WORLDS III (click on the thumbnail to see image - average
file size, 60kb)
And what is reality really? Especially when
considering the multitudes of dimensions that
might be. Imagine an infinite number of realities
expressing in an infinite number of dimensions
expressing infinite experiencials of What-Is.
...Then there is what is expressing outside the
dimensions, too. And beyond them...long and away
in other conceptions that we can't even dream of.
But maybe somthing can. -_-
IMAGE PAGES: Start Page | Worlds | Objects
in Space | The Grotto - a gallery of the private works of D.L. Keur
TEXT PAGES: Introduction | Reasons
& Problems | Pricing | Contact
COMING IN MAR - Commercial
Art Section, including CD Covers, Book Covers, Christmas Art, Web Site Graphics, Text Art, Logos
& Project Art.
Copyright 2000 F.W.Lineberry & D.L.Keur.
All rights reserved. No reproductive rights granted.
art gallery and
information with portfolio of CD covers, Book Covers, web
site graphics, web site design, text art, logos page created: 10-10-2000
last updated: 01/08/2001