Basic things you should know about securing a domain, selecting a server, building and maintaining a web site, and promoting that web site.
All off-site links open in new windows.
The very first step in the process is to set the goals of your website. It isn't enough to just want a web site. You have to know why you want one and what it is supposed to do. There are millions of websites out there, with more being added every second. You have a lot of competition if you want to get noticed and found. Therefore, know what you want to do.
The next step is NOT securing a domain. The very next thing to do is to know where you are going to put that domain. Why? Because it is simpler, easier, and much more efficient (not to mention faster) to immediately have a place to park that domain when registering a domain name with interNIC than it is to get a domain name, then have to transfer it to its new home. So, first off, find a service you like.
(but don't get RIPPED OFF).There are innumerable hosting services on the internet.
They are: (these are page bookmarks)
- Free Servers (Not a good idea if you are serious, but rip-off potential is LOW)
- Real Servers (Rip-off potential is MODERATE)
- Resellers (plain, no "value-added") (WARNING: RIP-OFF POTENTIAL IS HIGH)
- Doing-it-all-yourself service
FREE SERVERS - Some hosting services are free (yes, really.) And we don't mean geocities type site servers either. offers free space for your own domain. So does and a few others. Some have cgi; some don't. Some charge a nominal fee for "extras" like cgi, others don't. But free service is never really free. You really are better off buying a real, if low cost but dependable service.
THE REAL SERVERS - Down there underneath that domain URL you are so fond of visiting usually sits a hosting service. Most domains are hosted by remote service. Some servers cost a little; some cost a lot; some are exhorbitant and offer little in return except headaches, hassles, and sorrow. You can check out hosting services via sites like to shop around for the best site for you.
Here is a list of services to use to check on a hosting service:
List of Web Host Guides, (opens in a new window)
but be careful here too. Most of these "services" are pushing their own services and the results you get can be skewed. Dig deep, then check and compare results using all the references on the list.In our experience, we recommend
Dreamhost, DREAMHOST.COM (opens a new window)
Here is why:
Dreamhost is ranked right up on top when it comes to service and reliability. They are also one of the most reasonably priced services on the net. It took us a long time to find them, a long time to decide to use them, even though our webmaster contacts on the net (including some top dogs) kept pointing us their way. (We had been badly burned when we were newbies.) The truth is, we have not seen another service prove itself to us the way Dreamhost has. We have not seen another service that has their high standards and integrity. The nice thing is they don't cost a lot. They have REAL customer support and tech support that ALWAYS answers you within 24 hours, and they can provide all the bells and whistles you could ever want or need without breaking your budget. Their service is reliable.
THE RESELLERS - A reseller is someone who buys space from a REAL SERVER, then divides that space up into chunks and resells those chunks of space to unsuspecting customers for anywhere from a little to a lot more than they are paying for that service. They don't add anything to the service the REAL SERVER provides. In fact, they can offer MUCH LESS service and usually do, because they are dependent upon the REAL SERVER'S technical support team for problems. But how can you tell if it is a reseller? Well, you can check HERE: (opens a new window)
THE VALUE-ADDED SERVICE (Can be real servers or resellers)
Okay. Let's say you don't know anything at all about dealing with ftp (file transfer protocol), building HTML (hypertext markup language) pages, DHTML (dynamic HTML), cgi (Common Gateway Interface), Unix, Perl, Java, Javascript, VB, and all the rest. Let's say you want someone to help you or offer you a "package" - they get your domain for you, provide server space, and offer you a nice easy to use web-site building application or even a service that will build and administer your site for you. Fine. You can use what we call a value-added service, a hosting choice wherein the space provided can be either a real server or reseller (see above definitions). If you decide to go this route, you need to remember something: There are all sorts of offers out there, but only a few of them are NOT out to rip you off for as much as they can while delivering the least that they must. There are good services on the net, but your best bet should you decide to tread these waters is to do a LOT of research and ask a LOT of questions, then ask for references and check out those references with long distance phone calls or (gasp) snail mail letters. You need to establish, via independent sources, the real reputation and integrity of the "value-added service" in which you are planning to invest. Visit the web sites these people serve, get the contact email and start asking pointed questions.Some spots to watch for:
- For the DOMAIN NAME, you have to pay the $70 regitration fee. Don't send a check to the reseller. If the service you have selected asks you to send them a separate check, chances are they are ripping you off.
- Don't wind up being sold a "bill of goods," like a simple cgi program as your website. You can't promote those kind of pages.
- Make sure you can upload to your space via, at least, an http interface, but preferably via ftp. You may not ever use this, but if the option isn't there, chances are you are getting ripped off.
- Make sure your service does exactly what they promise in a timely manner.
- Make sure if you are having confidential information posted by visitors (credit card info and the like) that the service you use doesn't access that information and won't sell or use that information.
(That is as much advice as we are going to saturate you with. There are many different scams out there, but to cover them all would take volumes and you don't want that much reading. This much will give you an idea of what you face when treading the net's shark infested, opportunist waters.)
Of course, you can always set up your own server...but, then, you wouldn't be reading this page, because, quite honestly, you really don't want the hassle unless you are an expert on the subject already.What do we recommend? Find a reliabe, high integrity web site design service or a webmaster or wizard you can trust instead. (Yes, even a web savvy kid will do.)
A Word about Web Site Design Services, Site Management & Promotion Services, Webmasters & Wizards, and "the web savvy neighbor kid who lives next door."
- WEB SITE DESIGN, MANAGEMENT, and PROMOTIONAL SERVICES - Some of these are people have a pretty good reputation for building, managing, maintaining and promoting web sites. Some of them offer one-time design and uploads. Others offer a complete package deal. Still others will offer a variety of options and customization of services to be rendered. Some are trustworthy. Some are incompetant. Some are opportunistic sharks you need to stay as far away from as possible for all the same reasons mentioned above under "value-added services." Look at the service's portfolio (i.e.: the sites they have built.) Contact those sites via email, then telephone or snail mail (first making sure those sites don't actually belong to the same people who are offering the service). Get the inside information, or don't use them. If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, or you find yourself overwhelmed, it is definitely worth your while to check into one of these services. There are some good ones out there.
(And, yes, please do check out our own service, "WebArt by Zentao," which you can find here at ) (links open in new windows)
- WEBMASTERS & WIZARDS - Real Webmasters and Wizards (a master webmaster who ordinary webmasters go to when they are stumped) do not come listed in the who-s who of internet webmasters that you find at
the International Webmasters Association (opens new window) . (opens new window)
Admittedly, there are some good ones there, and the certification program has its merits for those RUNNING SERVERS FOR SOMEONE ELSE or working for some huge MULTINATIONAL or NATIONAL CORPORATE ENTITY. Those people want certification and someone who has somebodies stamp of approval. How valid that stamp is, other than comprehending UNIX systems and the like, is questionable, however. I have met quite a few "certified" individuals that knew all sorts of UNIX and C++ that were about as web-savvy as a first-time computer-user. REAL WEBMASTERS and WIZARDS are found via the net grapevine or by contacting sites where you KNOW the person or persons running them know their stuff.
- THE WEB SAVVY NEIGHBOR KID - This one is a pretty sure bet. Of course, he or she doesn't have to be a "kid." They can be an adult, a "pre"-adult, or a "post"-adult. You know who they are because all they ever talk about is computers and the internet! Have them show you their own site to check-out what they can do. Go over to their house and let them show you the ins and outs of "doing it." If they can strut their stuff and their web site is solid, make them a deal. The benefits of using "the web savvy neighbor kid" are: you know them and can get your hot little hands on them!
When acquiring a domain name, you need to know your goals. If you want a website that is going to focus on selling a product or service, make sure you secure a domain name that reflects the best keyword that describes the focus of that product or service. If instead you want a vanity domain or to develop name recognition, then secure a domain that reflects that goal. Questions? Email
- KEYWORD DOMAIN: (or net or org or....),,
- VANITY DOMAIN: (or net or org or....),,
We are not going to walk you through the actual process here. Maybe later we'll build an explicit "How-to" page about it with examples. Suffice it to say that registering a domain name can be a bit intimidating for some. And, if you get it wrong, it can mean hours, days, or weeks of headaches, long distance phone calls, faxes, and frustration. Worse, if you get it wrong, it can mean losing that domain name. If you need help, contact someone who is web savvy and has done it before.
C. BUILDING YOUR SITE (It's on the next page =))
D. PROMOTING YOUR SITE (It's on page 3)
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web site design -- WebArt by Zentao
PAGE BUILD DATE: 09/30/1999
UPDATED: 04/16/2002